Wow, didn't realize that it had been this long since writing on here. But then, where to find time? It's such a great thought to think of hiring someone, but then I would have to take the time to interview. Well, what's new, huh? Not a whole lot and a whole lot. We live each day, one day at a time. Every day is a new one for Braden. Some days are awesome and I am astounded by him and other days I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. But for the most part, the head banging is not so much anymore.
Braden is at school for 3 mornings...we have learned that the number of students really affects his day. Not sure where that will lead us in a few years when we start "real" school. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Christmas was a true ordeal for us and one that we will need to re-evaluate when it comes around again. Took us the month of January to recover and get Braden back on track. I have never heard as much screaming as I did in January. I think my ears are still ringing. Heather is continuing to work with him and she is such a life saver. We have transitioned to the public school for services and so far so good. I really like his EC teacher. And we have continued our OT privately because she was such a help to us this past year. So it's one day at a time...
I will say that sometimes I am so astounded by his memory and intelligence. And then what would be a simple conversation for some mothers blows me away when I get that from Braden. For example, I called Bob at work, Braden wanted to talk to Daddy and this is what I heard:
Hi Daddy!
Are you working daddy?
Well, I am at home with Mommy and I am playing with Mommy.
(By this point, my mouth is hanging open and I am wondering where this all came from...)
Okay, bye daddy
Simple, right? Not for Braden, it normally goes, Hi daddy, bye daddy
And memory? Wow, will I so be in trouble with my elephant memory boy. Last week, outside on driveway, I decide to get Braden to write his letters with chalk. I write A, B, C and ask him to try...instead I get:
Braden "A is for ant, B is for boat, C is for cat" This is memorized from a computer that his grandparents got him for Christmas. Now mind you, it had been at least a week since he had played with that. He has the memory of an elephant!!!!
Finally, one accomplishment that I am proud of as a family...we got a certificate from Walk Now For Autism. We raised enough money for Braden's Dream that we were awarded the Bronze Level!!! We have the best friends and family! Thank you everyone for helping us achieve that goal! I hope you'll be here for us this year when we raise money again for Braden's Dream...October 2010 at Lowe's Motor Speedway!
Okay, time to hit the pillow and my promise as I always promise at the end of each post, I promise to be better about blogging! Anyone looking for a job? :)